Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Max99 bots

Max99 staff has introduces 5 bots. 4 are language bot and the another one is game bot.
.en2indo*bot*: This is a language bot which will translate English to Indonesian. To use it first add en2indo*bot* this id using add contact option. just add it, no need to be confused for different character in id.

Then private it. To get best translation it is highly recommended to use proper english language. like if you want to get translation of how are you?, then in private send msg

> how are you?
you will get reply

"apa kabar"

2.indo2en*bot*: This is a language bot which will translate Indonesian to English. To use it first add indo2en*bot* this id using add contact option.

Then private it. To get best translation use proper Indonesian language. like if you want to get translation of apa kabar?, then in private send msg

apa kabar?
you will get reply

"how are you"

3.en2urdu*bot*: This is also a language bot which will translate English to Urdu. To use it first add en2urdu*bot* this id using add contact option.

Then private it. To get best translation use proper English language.

4. en2ar*bot*: This bot let you to translate English language into Arabic, now you can interact with Middle East users as well.

So these three bots are language bot of max. We have another game bot which is math bot.

5. math bot: As i told you before this is a game bot so if you want to test it you have to go play room first. then simply send /math in play room. Then you will see the question. When you will ans just ans like /ans Your_ans in this format. Then math bot will show you the result.

Thats all for now. This topic will be updated time to time. So enjoy